Rides & Events
All dates/times/locations are tentative. We’re realistically optimistic about our plans for this summer, but check back here as the dates get closer to confirm details. Have an event you want to add? Let us know.
Team Alex and Friends Thursday Night Out
Activity, time and place TBA. Feel free to make a suggestion!
Team Alex and Friends Thursday Night Out
Activity, time and place TBA. Feel free to make a suggestion!
Team Alex and Friends Thursday Night Out
Activity, time and place TBA. Feel free to make a suggestion!
Team Alex Spring Kickoff -
We’ve waited all winter for this.
Make new friends, catch up with the old and talk about the salmon all year long.
Thank you to our friends at Make A Wish and Team Alex Plus for hosting and sponsoring this annual event.
Team Alex and Friends Thursday Night Out
Activity, time and place TBA. Feel free to make a suggestion!
Team Alex and Friends Thursday Night Out
Activity, time and place TBA. Feel free to make a suggestion!
Hopefully the weather will be just right for a little ride!
Team Alex and Friends Thursday Night Out
Team Alex veteran, all around great guy and wonderful person is the headliner for this show at the Comedy Castle.
Tim has traveled and performed on as many stages as his wife has given him permission to. His musings on family life, distaste for other people's children, and being a dad will make you wonder if having kids is right for you…or him. Despite his constant lack of sleep, Tim brings a farcical energy to the stage that sheds light on the dark side of middle-aged modern parenting that no one is willing to confess.
Sadly, Tim’s son Ryder was diagnosed with DPIG a little year ago - this is a very dangerous brain cancer. This explains the title of his show “There is Nothing Funny About Cancer”
Tim's the creator of Laughs 4 Wishes, a comedic event that benefits the Make-A-Wish Organization of Michigan. He’s also taught a Teen Comedy Class at the Castle. Check out Tim’s TEDx performance from 2022 on YouTube!
Tickets are $26.70 each. Bruce has two tables of ten reserved. Venmo him @Bruce-Fisher to secure your seat. Once the twenty are gone, we will send an email letting you know and you can try to reserve on your own directly through the Comedy Castle.
Ride for the Living
Save the date for this community event. It will likely be similar to last year's planned ride as described below:
This round-trip ride from Ferndale to the Detroit Riverfront is for riders of all skill levels. Slow Rollers (avg 8-10 mph), Cruisers (avg 11-15 mph) and Chasers (avg 16-18 mph).
The Krakow JCC’s Annual Ride for The Living is a 34.5 mile bike ride from Auschwitz to the JCC Krakow that commemorates Jewish history and celebrates the miraculous rebirth of Jewish life in Poland today. Our satellite ride — which is approximately 30 miles — is Jewish Detroit’s own way to commemorate and celebrate the living.
We’ll meet up and start at Ferndale High School and finish at Ferndale Project for food and drinks.
Registration fee includes a ride t-shirt and drink voucher. Registration information forthcoming.
Committee Members: Mark Kowalsky, Mark Cahn, Mitch Barnett, Ron Sollish
Friday Night Team Alex Pool Party
We miss our dear friends at Quality Inn Big Rapids and hope to find a suitable location for our 2024 Friday night party in Holland .
Annual Team Alex Pre-Ride Picnic
Hosted by Susie and Bill Graham
Its always a good time at the beach with friends! BYOB + a towel and a good appetite.
M1 Cycling Classic and Fundo- website and info to be updated soon.
Still hankering for a few more miles after Ride For The Living?
Fondo, Family, Fun and a little bit of crit and short track dirt racing too!!?? This is also a fundraiser for the Checkered Challenge Foundation - providing transportation solutions for Pontiac residents - please join us for a fun day celebrating cycling on a world class track - and yes, there will be NO CARS and no potholes.
Fondo Details - This is a 5 hour fun oriented ride at your own pace on the 1.4 mile track at M1. Fully supported with a rest station. Ride as many laps as you can with as many stops as you need! The entry fee includes lunch and a beverage ticket. There will be plenty of space to hang out with fellow riders during and after the event.
Registration is available the day of the event. Please have your mobile device handy to register through the BikeReg site.
Helmets required at all times while on a bike at the event.
For more info and to register…https://www.bikereg.com/m1-cycling-classic
The Event Formerly Known as the Annual Team Alex Poker Ride
Some of us still love the Hundos, others not so much. This year we will have routes for everyone beginning and ending at or very near to the Drafting Table Brewery. Rather than serving lunch 50 miles from home, we suggest that you bring a PB&J in your jersey pocket, We will supply pizza after the ride. Beer etc available at the brewery. Should be super fun.
Details coming sometime before July 7.
Weekend Getaway in Alpena aka Team Alex Seniors Getaway*
Hosted by Samantha and Brent Kendorski, with a little help from Lisa Garber!
This is always a fun, very chill (and hopefully not too chilli) weekend. We keep going as long as Sam leads the Hundo and she and Brent are willing to spend the weekend with a bunch of their older friends.
You don’t have to be on medicare to join this party.
Cogs & Kegs
The Men’s Health Foundation annual bike ride event to kick off Men’s Health Week! The ride starts and ends at Griffin Claw Brewing Company in Birmingham, MI, with options for a 10 or 30 mile ride.
Register here.
Black Leaders Detroit Ride For Equity
A bike ride from Detroit to Mackinaw to raise money for black entrepreneurs and bring awareness to the importance of equitable funding practices. The ride starts with a community send off from Marygrove College to Ferndale or. Come out to be part of that or sign up for one or more days of the journey.
For more info, and to sign up to join some or all of the ride, go to https://www.blackleadersdetroit.org/
CPR and Life Saving Course
More info and sign up instructions coming soon.
Thank you Karen and Scott Lewis for organizing this.
Ride for Equity Meet and Greet & Base Training
Mark your calendars and join the Metro Detroit Cyclones to get a jump start on your outdoor cycling endurance. During the complimentary pre-training event feel free to bring your bike along for a checkup by experienced mechanics. You will have the opportunity to connect with organizers, skilled riders, and sponsors. It's a perfect occasion to indulge in delicious food and refreshing beverages while mingling with fellow cycling enthusiasts. As a token of appreciation, complimentary swag bags will be available while supplies last.Please register for the Ride for Equity Meet and Greet & Base Training at https://majortaylordetroit.org/2024-base-training-survey/. Details for the Meet and Greet are as follows:Event Date: Saturday, March 9, 2024 Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Training dates for the Ride for Equity/Base Training: April: 6-7, 13-14, 20-21 & 27-28 May: 4-5, 11-12, 18Location: Belle Isle Dossin Great Lakes Museum, 100 Strand Drive, Detroit, MI Meetup: 9:30 a.m. Rollout at 10:00 a.m.
Meet and Greet/Happy Hour + Meeting
Have you been thinking about joining Team Alex (or hopefully not, dropping off of our list)? Would you like to stay connected even though you no longer have any desire to ride 100 miles X 3?
Want to hear about one and two day options?
Do you have suggestions, ideas or comments?
Would you like to see the beautiful new MAW offics?
Do you like wine and snacks?
Let’s get together to hang out, catch up and talk about where we have been and where we are going both on and off the bike.
3rd Wednesday of the month Team Alex /TREK Shop Ride
3rd Wednesday of the month Team Alex /Trek Shop Ride
Cool Down and Chill Out Last Team Alex /TREK Shop Ride Before WAM
3rd Wednesday of the month Team Alex /Trek Shop Ride
3rd Wednesday of the month Summer Solstice Ride
This time our 3rd Wednesday of the month ride will actually be on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Let there be light and let us take advantage of it.
Mitch Barnett’s in-law’s are hosting their annual Pub Krawl and if you’ve gotta ask, you’ll never know. This year, we Krawl to support the Michigan Parkinson Foundation (MPF). 100% of swag sales go to MPF, and additional cash contributions are encouraged. Most of all my friends, remember, KRAWL TALL OR DON’T KRAWL AT ALL.
We will meet in Huntington Woods Rec Center at 7am and ride to Mitch Barnett’s in-laws house for the breakfast which takes place at their house beginning at 9am. The address is 1246 Berkshire Rd. Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230. After that, people are welcome to stay for the Krawl as long as they would like or ride back to Huntington Woods. If you cannot make the ride, please still come to the Krawl to help support this great cause.
Tentative outdoor projects include:
Painting benches, posts, etc
Cleaning and preparing garden beds for planting
Cleaning play structures and outdoor furniture
Indoor project:
To Be Determined
All equipment and paint will be supplied.
***Please bring work gloves***
REMEMBER: Everyone who shows up to participate will be getting $$ on their Team Alex page (win!) while sprucing up Brilliant Detroit’s building (win!).
Brilliant Detroit is in great need of:
diapers (any size)
baby formula
children’s board books (new or used)
It is suggested that you bring at least one of the above items with you on April 23 to support their mission.
Go to Brilliant Detroit’s website to learn more about this organization.
Hoping you can make it. Please RSVP by emailing Karen.
– Karen and Scott Lewis
3rd Wednesday of the month Team Alex /TREK Shop Ride
3rd Wednesday of the month Team Alex /Trek Shop Ride
Bicycle Swap Meet and Sprint Race Exhibition
Time: Doors open at 12 noon.
Swap Meet from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sprint Exhibition 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Donation: $15.00 at the door to benefit Detroit Fit Foundation
Format: Bicycle and bicycle parts swap meet. Time to collect those extra and spare parts or the bicycles just taking up space and converge on the Lexus Velodrome to unload all of your treasures in your basements and garages. Infield Suites* are available to set up a table (not supplied) on a first come, first serve basis. After that if you want a table or space to set up your items for sale, the vestibule between the main door and the restrooms will also be available.
(*Please note, management requests that no bike parts are placed on the Infield Suite Furniture to avoid staining or soiling with grease.)
This is a friendly, social event so the Spoke Easy Bar will also be serving for your shopping or browsing pleasure.
As the wheeling and dealing is going on, buyers, sellers and spectators will be treated to a Sprint Race Exhibition on the track
Ride and Wrench
Crank up the fun and learn with us at our Ride and Wrench event! Join us for a casual group ride, then stick around for a basic bike maintenance clinic to learn how to keep your bike rolling smoothly.
Plus, take home a free handy tool (while supplies last) and enjoy some tasty snacks and refreshments.
Helmets are required, and lights are recommended.
Reserve your spot (FREE, of course) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trek-royal-oak-ride-and-wrench-tickets-565494337787
The Baroudeur is Wayne State University’s annual cycling event to raise money for student scholarships.
All the info you need is on the ride website. Start times depend on the distance you choose to ride. Options are 100/62/37/20 miles.
Smoothies, anyone?
Try to work a stop at The Fuel, the smoothie place in Green Oak Village Mall, Brighton, into your bike ride. The smoothies and sandwiches are delicious and it is easily accessible from the back of Island Lake. If you are coming from Whitmore Lake, it's just off of Fieldcrest.
The official hang out time will be from 11:00 -12:00 but who really knows what will happen? It will just be nice to see some of our long lost friends.
To order in advance go the The Fuel website.
Wear something Team Alex!
50 Ways To Get To Northville
Weather permitting, will meet up in Downtown Northville. Multiple routes will be provided + there is always Hines Drive.
Group Riding Clinic
Here’s your chance to ride with and learn from Mark Cahn. Riders who have participated in this clinic in the past have great things to say about it. Ride smarter not harder.
If you're interested in attending a clinic on safe and efficient group riding on Saturday May 11th at Stoney Creek Metro Park starting at 9am -11:30 approx, send me an email at mark.cahn@yahoo.com.
The objective is to improve your level of confidence riding as a group (vs. just in a group).
Stoney Creek is about a 45-50 minute drive from WB area on a weekend morning.
We'll spend 15-20 minutes chatting then roll, with an occasional stop to discuss what's happening / answer questions.
If you're not familiar with Stoney Creek, we'll do a 9 mile circuit. It's a good cross section of terrain for learning to ride as a group. There's a few minor hills (similar to Island Lake, but with additional flat road).
- Mark
Team Alex Community Service Fun
Sponsored by Karen and Scott Lewis. Time and place TBD.